Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

March 2022
The corona-regulations are still strict, the masks still present. Nevertheless, all 5 workshops could take place without significant failures.
There is no video documentation this time, but an audio documentary is in the works.

… the first recording of the Wednesday workshop of the Gymnasium Bondenwald is already finished.


A report from Gymnasium Eckhorst can be found here.   (german only)
But it pays off to visit the site anyway, because it is very nicely designed and also contains a video. a translation of the text can be found below:

On 29.3.22 the music class of the E-year accompanied by Frederike Albers and Klemens Risse was allowed to visit the workshop “Modular Synthesizer” in the Elbphilharmonie with the sound performance artist GAMMON. Twelve different synthesizers were prepared, on which everyone was allowed to invent individual sound events. To do this, we first had to get to grips with the technology of the modular synthesizer and learn to distinguish sawtooth curves from sine curves, in order to then creatively implement these in the sound events, process them with various sequencers and filters, and provide them with flexible envelopes.
Even though this sounds complicated at first and various cabling had to be made first, we were amazed at the results – especially how Gammon put them together into an overall performance (see video). The next techno move is ours! The opinion of the course is reflected in the following feedback collection: