Licht-Spiel, Nolde – Modular Synthesizer Ensemble
A workshop-project with apprentices within the exhibition „Reinhold „Nolde“ Luger, Grafische Provokation“ at vorarlberg museum in Bregenz. It is a MODULAR SYNTHESIZER ENSEMBLE project in combination with gammon´s interactive realtime video-method.
The graphic designer „Nolde“ Luger was one of the leaders of the cultural protest movement in Vorarlberg. Embedded in the context of cultural and contemporary history, the exhibition at the vorarlberg museum shows numerous examples of Luger’s constructive and critical work.
The project started with a guided tour with Nolde himself and a detailed talk after. After that a movie was produced. Therefore we used the exhibition and all of Nolde´s work was raw material for the filming procedure.
The soundtrack to this realtime-video performance, was then developed with the Modular Synthesizers rehearsed and performed live!
The projects live-situation is unique. Music and video occur out of the moment, live and in realtime.
Within the video-method of Gammon there is no traditional video-editing process. Instead of, Gammon developed a own Software to interact with the recorded video-clips and create the movie within a realtime projection.
The final movie:
Die Performance:
Auf Grund der COVID-19 Pandemie (Corona Virus) haben wir die öffentliche Präsentation am 12. März 20 abgesagt. Die Live-Performance konnte intern mit einigen MitarbeiterIinnen und Mitarbeitern des Museums. abgehalten werden.
The project is a cooperation with vorarlberg museum and supported by kulturkontakt austria / OEAD.
Teaser and announcement:
10th till 12th of march 2020
Final Presentation 12th march 2020 / 7pm
vorarlberg museum
“The project Licht-Spiel – Nolde is a project within the framework of the OeAD series K3-Projekte. Cultural mediation with apprentices”